Corporate governance and compliance are underpinned by responsible and transparent management and control of the Company oriented to long-term value creation. The Management Board and the Supervisory Board are convinced that good corporate governance forms an essential basis for sustainable business success and strengthens the trust of shareholders, business partners and employees as well as the financial markets in the Company. Important principles of good corporate governance and supervision have been firmly anchored in the Koenig & Bauer Group. The Management Board and the Supervisory Board regard integrity and compliance in business transactions as indispensable and pursue a zero-tolerance policy. Good corporate compliance is not only a duty and responsibility but also offers business opportunities that should be utilised. We see the corporate governance statement as an opportunity for communicating the stability and sustainability of corporate governance at Koenig & Bauer Aktiengesellschaft. It describes Koenig & Bauer’s understanding of corporate governance transparently and is readily accessible on our website at Investor Relations > Corporate Governance.
In addition, you will also find all the information related to this topic here.
As part of its corporate governance practices, Koenig & Bauer AG applies a large number of important ethical standards that go beyond the legal requirements: The Code of Business Conduct, the Supplier Code, the Declaration of Principles on Human Rights. These are conveniently summarized on our website at Company > Compliance. The compliance management system established by the Management Board has created the foundations for ensuring that our business practices meet high standards of compliance and integrity. Our anti-corruption system is also certified in accordance with ISO 37001. Based on a constant analysis of possible compliance risks, the continuous adaptation of the compliance management system ensures business conduct that is characterised by compliance and integrity.